
Power-Gen International December 11-13th, 2012 Orlando, Florida

In Orlando, Florida at the Orange County Convention Centre is the Nuclear Power International/Power-Gen International. This takes place from December 11th to the 13th, 2012. Industrial Audit will be taking part, please stop by the booth!

OCI/Bruce Power Suppliers Day October 23rd, 2012

In Tiverton Ontario, on October 23rd, Industrial Audit will be apart of the OCI/Bruce Power Suppliers Day! Come check out our booth to discuss your needs and questions.

OCI/AECL – Chalk River Suppliers Day September 11th to 12th, 2012

Industrial Audit is taking part in the OCI/AECL – Chalk River Suppliers Day in Chalk River Laboratories. Please join us September 11th and/or the 12th, 2012 at our booth for more information about our company. Hope to see you there!

The 33rd CNS Annual Conference June 10-13, 2012

“Building on our past…Building for the future.”  June 10-13, 2012 the TCUPlace in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada will be holding the 33rd CNS annual conference.  Industrial Audit welcomes you to stop by our booth.

PDAC March 7-14 2012, Toronto, ON

Drop by our booth for for more information.

Canadian Nuclear Association Conference and Tradeshow 2012

CNA Conference Feb 23-25 2011 Ottawa Canada

We hope to see you in Ottawa – drop by our booth #211.

The Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA)invites you to participate in the CNA 2011 Conference and Trade Show which takes place from February 23 – 25, 2011 at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa, Ontario. The Annual Conference and Trade Show is the industry’s annual forum in Canada for presentations and discussions about nuclear energy.

This year’s event Competing in World Markets – Strategies for Growth will be reflective of the challenges facing the nuclear industry in Canada as we enter a period of change and will highlight strategies for growth moving forward in Canada and in international markets

OCI – AECL Suppliers Day September 28th 2011, Mississauga Ontario

Industrial Audit is looking forward to the AECL Suppliers Day on Wednesday September 28th 2011 at the AECL Sheridan Park Front Lawn, Mississauga.  We are pleased to participate in this excellent opportunity to demonstrate our proven technology solutions.

Drop by our booth for an informative demo of our products!

OCI/AECL Suppliers Day September 8th 2011, Chalk River Laboratories

Along with many other Industry Suppliers, Industrial Audit is pleased to be exhibiting at the AECL Suppliers Day in Chalk River on Thursday September 8th 2011. We are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and meeting new that day.

Please be sure to drop by our booth to see a demo of our proven technology solutions!

CNS 32nd Annual Conference and 35th CNS-CNA Student Conference June 5th to 11th 2011 Niagara Falls Canada

The CNS annual Conference gathers together scientists, engineers, technologists, senior management, government officials, and students. It is open to all those interested in nuclear science, nuclear engineering and technology, from across Canada and from other countries.